Should We Have A Universal Government?

Sharegga Angelo
4 min readMar 9, 2021
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

While the entire political world seems to be solidified in chaos, one thing stands clear; the concept of a universal government and why it could possibly ignite a positive revolution in the advancement of humankind.

What is a Universal Government?

The concept of a universal government is the idea of the entire world falling under one government body; this might not necessarily mean conjoining economies or merging currency as the effects would take decades to recover from (the fluctuations of the world market would be far too damaged to be reversed without meticulous planning before even thinking of implementing a universal currency) but this means having an independent entity free of common political standpoints as one has today. There would be no Liberals, there would be no Conservatives. Just the morals and values of the everyday citizen, minus biasedness for the best possible outcome.

Photo by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash

What do political figures think about it?

Historical entries speaking of a universal government has been documented since the times of Dante, however most political figures have had their doubts over the feasibility over it. While there is, an issue with the rationality of implementing a universal government, philosophically speaking, it will help unify citizens and the idea that they are in fact global citizens. The notion of nationality is somewhat personally an outdated societal norm to provide a sense of individuality but in this day and age where everything is to do with individuality, it is time to think as a human race, collectively.

Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

What can a Universal Government solve?

With the issue of climate change, overpopulation, rapidly deteriorating primary fuel sources, and increasing instability with international politics, it is safe to say that our species can be well over wiped out sooner than we have expected. The good news is, with a unified universal government, almost all of these issues can be solved. The notion of humanity being divided is a difficult concept to grasp from an almost overview effect (astronauts experience what is called an overview effect where there is a cognitive shift in their mental clarity; they find that human matters on earth seem trivial from their standpoint).

Photo by Jessica Radanavong on Unsplash

Is it dangerous to implement?

The stability of international politics is an important factor to keep constant, but removing that factor altogether is a better idea for the safety of the world. This means unifying nuclear weapons and military resources, as well as readjusting military budgets universally. This budget being reduced helps reduce world debt, which is another issue that has not been tackled yet.

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Would the government be liberal or conservative?

Unifying governments into one entity often poses the question “Would they be liberal or conservative?”. Truthfully speaking, the answer is neither. A true unified entity does not associate with political party stances and stands neutral among issues until brought up in the court of justice. This may seem unstable but refraining from adhering to a political stance is the best option. This provides a 100% logical perspective on issues at hand in order for non biased judgement.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Would it ever actually be implemented?

As for now, there is no way to tell if it ever would be implemented, but the answer is most likely a no. Political instability and unrest would have to occur over a substantial amount of time for a universal government to be formed; that is if it does not end up in nuclear world war 3.

The concept of a universal government is frightening as well as intriguing; while it is not a current trending topic with much awareness, it does have enough controversy for a debate. Though it may seem like a dystopian future, it may just be what the world needed to unify its purpose.



Sharegga Angelo

This writer covers a wide variety of subjects including but not limited to fashion, science and lifestyle as well as youth culture. Stay tuned for more content